The Bloodstone Oracle (The Dark Gifts Companions) Read online

Page 3

  His eyebrows drew together and a muscle along his jaw line began to tWitch. “How close is close?”

  Sighing, she shook her head. “Nestled right up against them. A three hour journey at best.”


  Hope let out a loud burp as Marie continued nervously patting her back. Damien had been gone for several hours and although she’d argued they should stay together, she knew he was right about keeping the baby safe inside the warded clearing.

  Knowing they were safe from any non-human entity, did not ease her nerves. There were still bears, wild cats, and God only knew what else in the wilderness that could have them both for dinner before she could fire the one shot Damien had packed in the musket.

  The soft chirps of insects finally lulled her into a relaxed state. It seemed only moments had passed when the first sounds of snapping twigs and the flapping of low hanging branches being pushed to the side, jolted her awake. Fear surpassed instinct and she called out, “Damien?”

  Still several yards deep into the brush she heard him hiss, “Quiet, woman,” and smiled in relief. A few minutes later, he stepped into the secluded area.

  “You found them?”

  “Most definitely. Both match your descriptions perfectly. The girl doesn’t take too kindly to things that go bump in the night. Her temper is extremely short,” he laughed.

  “That’s wonderful. According to the vision, she’ll be fiercely protective.”

  Damien nodded. “Surprisingly, the third is not a Vampire.”

  Marie cocked her head to the side and waited for him to continue.


  “You jest!” Marie scoffed.

  “Quite serious, I assure you. Seems as if he’s quite taken with the youngster.”

  Chuckling, she shook her head and moved to place the baby in her lovingly constructed wicker bed. “A friendly ghost? I’d never thought it possible.”


  Marie popped her knuckles and promptly began fidgeting with her hair. Several times over the past half hour she’d made the short trek to the buckboard to check on Hope. They had both agreed that the infant was to be kept hidden at all costs this night. Earlier that day the Bloodstone had showed her another vision of the girl Vampire and her ghostly friend visiting with them in the camp on that very eve.

  Damien had spent the entire day placing new wards that would allow any creature, supernatural or otherwise, to enter the clearing, provided their intentions were pure. With such a feat accomplished, her husband still held reservations against the impending transaction. When the howling began, she’d almost lost her nerve and begged him to take them away from this place.


  Startled from nervous worrying, Marie jumped at the sound of his voice. Damien stood before her, holding her grandfather’s violin.

  “Why don’t you play us a melody? It’s been some time since you’ve soothed your need for music.”

  Offering him a smile filled with gratitude, she placed the instrument under her chin and carefully guided the bow across the strings. One tune effortlessly moved into another, and before long, she’d managed to play through her entire repertoire of songs.

  As the last few doleful strains of Tá Grá Agam Duit faded into the quiet of the forest, Damien harshly spoke. “What are you two up to?”

  In a split second, the blond haired girl from her vision, along with her ghostly companion, popped into sight.

  “You can see me?” The young man nearly stuttered.

  “Obviously,” Damien retorted.

  The two traded surprised glances as her husband continued. “I’m still waiting for an answer.”

  “Well, you’s just that--” The ghost stammered.

  Brushing her hands against her skirt, the beautiful girl quickly offered her right hand in greeting. “Good evening. I am Angelica Rompolinov, pleased to meet you.”

  As if not to be outdone, the spirit snapped to attention and saluted. “Private William Townsend, Sir. Pleasure.”

  “I’m sure it is,” Damien replied as he moved back toward the fire.

  Marie greeted them with a smile. “You two should not be out tonight. Not on a full moon. What were you thinking? Even someone with your unusual abilities is in peril on nights such as these,” she said as she pointed to Angelica.

  William and Angelica seemed completely befuddled. It was obvious that they weren’t used to being addressed by mortals who knew exactly what they were. Only a few moments passed before the young girl’s precocious personality reasserted itself, and before long, they were deep in conversation.

  Both were easy to talk to, and when they made it through the wards with no effort whatsoever, Marie was finally able to relax.

  Although the visit was quite short, Marie knew the prophecy had been correct. These two, along with the one who would come at morrow’s eve, would not only protect her descendant, they would love her as well.

  Tears of relief glittered in her eyes as she watched them depart.

  “Do not become overly excited, my love. We have not procured an oath from the elder Vampire.”

  She shook her head and swiped at a tear. “We will. When I tell him of the Oracle and what it has proclaimed, he will make the vow. I know it.”


  At dusk the following evening, Damien placed the wagon across the road and waited for the Vampire they now knew as Michael. In little over an hour, another wagon approached. He watched as it stopped, and shortly after, the dark-haired Vampire moved to meet him.

  “Is there some problem?” Michael asked.

  Damien’s lips spread into a full smile. “A slight issue. My wife wishes to have words with you, if could spare the time.”

  The Vampire warily scanned Damien’s face. “I am running short of time unfortunately. We have many furlongs to travel and little time to get there.”

  Putting his hands together, Damien gave a quick bow. “We will not keep you long, if you will just join us for but a moment, we can surely have you on your way before the half hour has struck.”

  “I see. I must retrieve my charge first.”

  Damien’s piercing blue eyes locked gazes with Michael. “I’m afraid this message is solely for you. Angelica will be fine for a short time. If time is of the essence, then we should move quickly.”

  With a quick glance back at Angelica, Michael nodded and motioned for Damien to precede him.

  Marie smiled at his arrival, and to Michael’s surprise, walked straight to him, placing her hand on his arm. “Welcome friend. I know we must be brief, as the Lycans are out in great numbers this eve.”

  Still unsure of the nature of this meeting, Michael had deduced that neither Witch meant any harm to him or his charge. “How may I be of service?”

  “If you’ll permit me?” Marie asked and tentatively reached for his face.

  Michael stayed completely still as her hand made contact with his cheek.

  “This will not hurt,” she said. “I must be certain of the vision. It only comes in bits and pieces. But I must know.”

  She closed her eyes and her body went rigid. Pictures of Michael throwing a very young, raven-haired, giggling girl into the air, only to catch her and swing her around, pelted Marie’s mind. Once scene played into another and with certainty she viewed the love her would carry for her descendant. Another scene of him fighting, nearly to the death, to protect the child assailed her. All that was required was his vow. He would not know when he first began to love her who she was, but in time...the need for his absolute dedication to her would arise. Several moments passed before she gasped and jerked her hand away.

  “Well?” Damien asked.

  Fear covered her face as she met her husband’s gaze. “It is true. The parts I can see are true.”

  Michael cleared his throat. “I still don’t understand what I have to do with any of this.”

  Marie scowled. “And, unfortunately, I cannot tell you any more other than your bloodline will
be linked with mine. You must promise me this,” Marie clasped the Bloodstone in her hand, placing it close within his sight. “When you see this, or one like it, you must do as the wearer bids. You must. Without questioning, or any reservation, you must fulfill the task set before you. Can you swear it?”

  “How can I swear to do a thing I have no knowledge of? And why would I?”

  Her voice shook with conviction as she spoke. “Because you must. Because Bloodstone visions never lie. And most importantly, because when that time comes, the balance between good and evil will be swayed by your actions. What happens after will remain on your shoulders for eternity.”

  Michael shot to his feet as the first howl pierced the night. “Angie.”

  “Wait! You must make the oath,” Marie pleaded.

  “I will do what I can,” he answered and as the second howl sounded, he raced into the trees. Leaves and twigs shot violently behind him in the wake of his passing.

  A loud yelp followed by more howling resounded through the wood.

  “He will do as we’ve bade? You are certain?” Damien asked.

  Marie nodded. “When the time comes, he will see the Bloodstone and he will protect the Oracle.”

  “Then we are done here. It is time to move on.”

  Marie’s gaze had drifted off into the forest, seemingly focused on nothing at all.

  “Darling, are you well?”

  “I wish I could show her to you, my love. I wish you could see the mass of streaming curls and the pudgy cherub cheeks. And the woman she becomes...she’s magnificent! Her magic will nearly be beyond measure.”

  Smiling down at his beloved wife, he reached out and squeezed her shoulder. “We have a rather magnificent young lady right here. Best get some rest now, we have a long way to travel come daylight.”

  Sighing, Marie replied, “Kiana will never reach us here. It is her master we must be ever at the watch for. When that devil comes to call, we need to be certain our descendents are ready for battle.”


  (Or is it?)

  If you are interested in finding out more about the coming Oracle, keep your peepers peeled for Sacrifice, third in the Companions series.

  Other books by Willow Cross


  Haunted II

  Haunted (Special Combined Print Edition)

  Ghost Diaries

  Case #1 Sarah Beth Hawkins

  Case #2 The Haunting of Reginald Bonner

  A Higher Calling

  The Dark Gifts series:



  Legacy (coming soon)

  Dark Gifts Companions


  The Bloodstone Oracle

  Sacrifice (coming soon)

  Oceans of Red series

  Volume One-Rise of the Demons

  Volume Two-Demon Evolution

  Volume Three-Demon Apocalypse

  A Christmas Miracle

  Author Bio

  Willow Cross resides in Arkansas with her husband, two children still young enough to live at home, an enormous cat named Bitsy, and a neurotic dog named Tank. Her home has been known to host the occasional ghost and a few of her friends profess to be Witches. Although she dearly loves Vampires and Werewolves, they are never invited for dinner.

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